Therapy and Prevention of Psychological and Social Dependences

International Conference

Therapy and Prevention of Psychological and Social Dependences

September 27-28, 2006, Kiev, Ukraine


Non-governmental organization “Family and Personality Protection Society”

With support of:

Ukrainian scientific research institute of social and judicial psychiatry and experts in narcology

East-European Academy of Psychotherapy

Our purpose:

Integration of efforts of specialist in the fields of prevention and psychotherapy of psychological and social dependences.

Working out new approaches in prevention and coping with dependences of new generation and in forming psychologically healthy and independent personality, able to make decisions her/himself.

Main work directions:

· Theoretical and methodological problems of forming dependent and codependent behaviors in modern society

· Conceptual approaches to prevention, therapy of psychosocial dependences and their diagnostics

· Dependent behavior in cults, religious and informal associations

· Dependence on gambling, computers and Internet

· Psychotherapy and psychological consulting in case of dependent behavior

We invite medical and social workers, psychotherapists, psychologists, and experts in other fields interested in theoretical knowledge and practical experience on psychological and social dependences, prevention of psychological manipulation and mind control.

Languages of conference: Ukrainian, Russian, English (consecutive translation).

To participate at the Conference it is necessary to fill in and send the application.

As a result of the Conference an edition of methodological manual is planned consisting of the reports of participants at the Conference. The most interesting reports, articles and presentations will be placed in special periodicals.

Application forms for participation in conference and materials for the manual of the Conference are accepted till September, 22, 2006.

Total sum of an organizational payment for participation in conference and payment of the publication of the report — 90 USD. The payment is made on arrival at Conference. For the representatives of the organizations-members of F.E.C.R.I.S. the participation at the Conference is free.

For residents of European Union Visa is not required.

Organizational payments are a part of a financial basis of the Conference. All charges on transport, a meal and accommodating are carried out by participants themselves.

The organizing committee can give the necessary information to foreign participants on questions of accommodation and stay in Ukraine.

We ask you to provide your materials for further publishing as the following:

1. Your report to the e-mail: no more than 8 pages format A-4, Microsoft Word (type Times New Roman; size of type – 14; line spacing 1,0; margins: top and bottom — 2 cm, left - 2,5 cm, right — 2 cm). Report titlein capital symbols. In the top of the title, in the right corner – author name (Name, Surname), organization. List of reference, please, put at the bottom, after report. Please, provide us a copy on a floppy disk 3,5” and a hard copy signed by the author.

2. Please, fill in and return back you proposal as the following:


of International Conference participant




Middle Name___________________________________________________________



Academic degree and status_______________________________________________

Home contacts _________________________________________________________

Work contacts __________________________________________________________

Title of report___________________________________________________________

Individual presenters will have up to 45 -minutes for paper delivery and discussion.

All expenses, as travel, accommodation and meal to be covered by participants. Organization question is upon our attention.

Please send your abstracts and reports, mentioned above, to the address:

Petukhov V.


Mykhajlivska str., 20-a, Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine

Phone: +38097920 53 31

Fax: +38044278 15 49


We thank you in advance for your materials!