The order # 254 from 19.06.96
With the purposes of reduction of normative base of Ministry of Public Health Services and Medical Industry of Russian Federation in conformity with the current legislation I order:
1. Chiefs of bodies of public health services of the subjects of Russian Federation, chiefs of establishments of public health services of federal submission, including research, medical-preventive and educational, to consider losing force authorized on August 5, 1994 by the deputy minister of Public Health Services and Medical Industry of Russian Federation V. K. Agapov "The Methodical recommendations "The Program of detoxication".
Not to admit propagation and use of methods of detoxication, other following from the doctrine of R. Hubbard methods of a scientology and dianetic in practice of public health services.
2. The control for execution of the present order I leave for self.
The minister A. D. Tzaregorodtzev.